Section 14
Hailsham to Upper Dicker
Walk Details
Walk Instructions
Section 14 Out
Hailsham to Upper Dicker
Start: The George Hotel in George Road, central Hailsham. A variety of in-town parking available.
Comment: This is a short walk crossing commercial development and some interesting recreational opportunities in the countryside to the west of Hailsham. There is some road walking in town plus pedestrian walkways through business warehousing. The Hailsham Bypass must be crossed. The ensuing countryside offers woodland and field walking.
With the George Hotel on the left, proceed down George Street. Pass Victoria Road on your left and reach a junction with North Street. Go forward on this, bearing slightly left, and keep on, past Station Road on the left. Cross the old railway track called the Cuckoo Trail and reach a junction with Western Road. Turn right up this road.
In a short distance, just past the last building on your left, turn left onto a footpath into Hailsham Cricket Ground. Cross the pitch to meet a vehicle drive at the far side. Turn left down this, passing the bottom of the pitch and continuing between industrial units to meet a road (Diplocks Way). Turn right on this road.
In a short distance, turn first left down a footpath called Ropemakers Park. In a few metres turn right, by trees, to skirt an open space with buildings on your right. Pass a warehouse on the left and reach a second open parking space. Turn left down here into the access road (Apex Business Park). Reach a band of trees and a cross path (Factory Lane).
Turn left here through the trees and soon, right, on a footpath down between buildings, also treelined. Stay on this for some way to reach a further road (Arlington Road East). Turn right on this and continue along to meet the A22 Hailsham Bypass.
Cross with care to join Arlington Road West. A few paces along this road turn left down Robin Post Lane. Continue for some way. The lane becomes a byway in woods. Continue down, ignoring a track off right. Continue to the next track off right which is a cycle track. Turn right onto this and follow for nearly a mile.
Twist left and right in the woods, then keep straight on to eventually meet a cross track which is a bridleway. Turn left on this. Keep down this to emerge onto a road. Turn left on this a short distance. Just before Primrose Farm (with Old Oak pub beyond), turn right on a footpath going diagonally right away from the road. Follow this path for a mile, passing Mill Wood, to reach a road.
Turn left on the road for 200 metres, passing a watermill, to reach two footpaths going off on your right. Take the lefthand one. Soon reach the Wealdway cross path. Turn left on this and follow it into Upper Dicker. Reach a main road called Coldharbour Road. Turn left along to The Plough pub and end of section.
Section 14 Return
Upper Dicker to Hailsham
Map: Explorer 123 Eastbourne & Beachy Head
Start: The Plough at Upper Dicker
Comment: a short, varied return to Hailsham, in fields and woods, passing Michelham Priory and the Knockhatch Adventure Centre. The Hailsham Bypass needs to be crossed. The final stretch is a quick return along roads to the George Hotel.
With The Plough inn on your left walk back down the main road to rejoin the Wealdway used on the outward route. Stay on this path, ignoring paths off right, to pass Michelham Priory, then on over the Cuckmere River. The Wealdway turns right, then begins to swing off left. Here bear slightly right onto a footpath and keep forward for ½ a mile. Pass through woods to a T-junction with a byway.
Turn left up this. Look out for a footpath off right, by Knockhatch Adventure Park. This path traverses the park and continues for some way over fields to a roundabout on the Hailsham Bypass.
Cross and go through trees, a short distance to meet a cross track. Turn left up to a road. (Diplocks Way). Cross this and go straight up past a car showrooms. Keep on up to the very top and a junction with Western Road.
Turn right. Look for a footpath off left as you go along. Go up this a short way to meet a cross track. Turn right on this a short way, then right again down a path to a main road. Turn left along the road all the way back to the George Hotel and start of the section.