Section 52
Bishopstone to Broad Chalke
Walk Details
Walk Instructions
Greatstone to Gillingham Robust Ramble
Section 52 Out
Bishopstone to Broad Chalke
Map: OS Explorer 130 Salisbury
Distance: 3 miles/ 2 hours
Start: The White Hart. Car parking at the pub or the village hall just down the road.
Comment: A shortish walk without major problems continuing to follow the river valley. Several stiles in a variety of conditions. Both villages have fascinating histories and wonderful churches and old houses to enjoy. There are stiles. The village shop in Broad Chalke in an old chapel has a café and is well worth a visit.
From the White Hart pub walk down the side along Butts Lane passing the car park. Keep on down the road passing the village hall and car park on the left to reach a road junction at the bottom. Turn right.
In 20 metres turn left through bollards and over an old bridge and on along a former road. Soon reach a T-junction with the current road. Turn right a few paces then left down a side road.
Follow this up and then around to the left and along for about 30 metres looking for a footpath off left by a house called The Lodge. Go down here.
Initially very straight, at the bottom end the path becomes a drive and weaves to the right over small bridges, to eventually pass a barn on your right and reach a T-junction with a striking new house called Blackthorn House ahead.
Here turn right onto a concrete track. Where the concrete ends, keep forward on a narrow enclosed path.
Continue along the edge of an open field. Pass a metal kissing gate in the corner ahead and continue along the next field for ¼ mile.
On reaching a bungalow at Stoke Farthing, turn left then right, out to a road. Bear left onto the road and continue forward.
Where the road bends left, keep forward on a gravel drive past former Knighton water mill. The drive ends at a wooden fieldgate. Bear left over a stile into a field and turn immediately right along the edge.
At the far end drop to the right into trees. Cross a stile into an enclosed path and go forward (ignore path off left) to emerge onto a road.
Turn left for 30 metres. Reach a path off right into trees. At the far side cross a stile into a field and go up the side with a hedge on your right.
Reach and climb a stile into an area of scrub and go across to a stile by a metal fieldgate.
Join and stay on a winding grassy path in the next field. Ignore a cross track then a path down to the right. Climb a bank and keep forward to a metal kissing gate in the corner.
Go down into a narrow enclosed path, rather overgrown, then down steps halfway, to emerge onto a road. Broad Chalke’s medieval parish church is opposite and well worth a visit.
Turn right on the road with care as there are no verges. Pass a large car park on your left below the church.
Keep up the road and over a bridge to arrive at The Queens Head gastro pub in the centre of the village. The village shop with café is in an old chapel just to the side.
This is the end of the section.
Greatstone to Gillingham Robust Ramble
Section 52 Return
Broad Chalke to Bishopstone
Map: OS Explorer 130 Salisbury
Distance: 3 miles/ 2 hours
Start: The Queens Head in Broad Chalke or the car park near the church.
Comment: A contrasting return walk, up onto the downs with exhilarating views. Climbs this time but steady gradients. Some stiles. A little necessary roadwalking through the villages at either end.
With the Queens Head pub behind, go forward up the road opposite back to the parish church.
With care, stay on the road past the church and at the junction beyond, go straight on uphill, along by a tall flint wall.
At the next junction, again go straight across onto gravel drive. In 50 metres reach a stile on the left by a metal fieldgate.
Cross and continue up a grassy path. At the top of the bank climb a stile on your left.
Go up through bushes then on, up the field ahead for a good distance, enjoying extensive views.
Very near the top hedge, bear right to a stile hidden in the hedge. Cross and continue up the field ahead, parallel with the treeline down on your left.
Climb steadily for ½ mile, following the path as it gradually swings to the right as it heads up to the radio mast at the top.
At the very top cross a stile into a small field and go straight across to the hedge at the other side. On reaching this hedge, turn left and walk along it towards farm buildings.
Reach and cross a stile by a metal fieldgate. Turn right a few paces, then left to pass a flint byre building. Immediately bear right again on the access road, to go forward, past the farmhouse of Knighton Hill Farm, over on your left.
Keep along the access road (the footpath on the OS map is shown leaving the access road and curving away to the left before returning ahead). However, stay on the road until it turns sharp left.
Here, leave the road and go straight ahead along the edge of the field on the left, with a hedge on your right (do not go down the edge of the field on the righthand as there is no exit at the bottom).
Drop steadily downhill. Just before the bottom corner, turn right, down into bushes, and continue down a sunken path to a metal swing gate. Cross the farm track beyond and continue down a hollow, enclosed path for ¼ mile.
Eventually emerge through double fieldgates by a barn onto a wide farm track. Turn left.
Near the bottom pass through an equine gate by a metal fieldgate and keep on to meet a road.
Keep straight down the road into Bishopstone passing two road junctions. Cross bridges to arrive at the centre of the village. Follow the road as it swings right, then next left to go up past the village hall and return to the White Hart at the top and the start of the section.