Section 11 (Return)
Challock to Boughton Lees
Walk Details
Map | Explorer 137 Ashford, Headcorn and Wye |
Total Circular Distance | 7 miles/4 hours |
Start | Parking at the Village Hall or the pub. |
Comment | This return is a much longer section than the outward. It includes a long forest walk then a gradual descent with splendid views down to Boughton Lees. Allow plenty of time. |
Walk Instructions
With The Stag pub on your left and the roundabout behind, go down the main road, away from the roundabout, for 100 metres.
Just past the current last house on your left, turn left into a footpath enclosed between wooden fence and hedge.
When the enclosed path ends, keep straight on along the edge of a wood. Finally enter the main wood.
Soon exit up onto a gravel drive (ignore track down left). Go on as before along the gravel drive.
At a sharp righthand bend, go straight on, on a path into woods (ignore paths off right and left).
Eventually pass the buildings of Oathill Farm on your right. Cross the entrance drive and continue on a footpath.
Go through a pedestrian gate to a junction of ways. Ignore two tracks off to the left and go forward, steeply uphill, on a narrow gravel footpath.
Continue forward for ½ mile ignoring all cross paths. Go steeply down then up.
Eventually reach a wide gravel forest track. Go straight ahead on it.
At a T-junction turn right a few paces, then left at a waymarked path into trees.
Cross a wide forest track and again go forward into trees.
Enter an open field and cross, slightly diagonally left to a metal kissing gate into woods at the far side. Keep on down to a road.
Cross the road to a path into bushes. Soon reach a metal kissing gate and emerge at the top of a field (excellent views here). Turn left along the field edge.
In 30 metres reach a corner by a metal kissing gate. Here turn right, steeply downhill, to a farm in the valley below.
Go through the buildings and steeply up the drive beyond. Eventually approach the exit onto a busy main road.
Just before the main road turn left along the top of a field with a hedge on your right, to a wooden gate into trees (this is not a PROW).
Through the gate, turn left downhill on an enclosed path (this is a PROW).
Near the bottom, ignore a footpath off left, and go forward to a drive and junction of ways. Turn sharp right on a drive going uphill.
Near the top, just before a white house, turn off left into a narrow path into woods. In 20 metres go sharp left along a path between wire fences.
Reach and cross two stiles into the top of a large sloping field. Go straight down.
At the bottom hedge turn right and follow an easy path for some way to reach a road. Turn right on this road for some way. Eventually reach a T-junction in Boughton Lees.
Turn right a short distance to reach the village green and the Flying Horse pub at the start of the section.